Take a peek inside….
I was born and raised in a small town in Northern Wisconsin. My parochial school journey in the 1960’s continues to provide me with writing material. NUNderwear is a collection of both humorous and poignant tales of Catholic school survival in the 1960's.
“We had to wear those wool plaid skirts. It took me a long time to figure out why I was terrified, yet oddly aroused by men in kilts when I was an adult.”
— An observation as an adult
The Clickerati…
One nun had a clicker and trained us to all genuflect at the same time when she snapped it. We’d file into church, she’d click it, and we’d all go down. One of the boys took a clicker out of her desk and when the students were going up for communion, he clicked it, and everyone obeyed the command. But then he started doing it rapidly and it looked like we were having seizures. When he was ferreted out, he left the church by his hair. To this day I cannot go to a dog show where trainers use clickers without getting a twitch in my leg.
The Guy in the Back Pew
When I was about 12 years old, I started noticing an older boy who always sat in the back of the church. My heart fluttered whenever I saw him. I used to pretend we would get married and wrote his name about a hundred times in my diary. I stopped putting my hair in a ponytail so I would look more ‘mature’.
My mother would grab my arm on the way out of church and say, “Stop staring at him!”